I was daring enough to try watercolour this week, which is not one of the mediums with which I am most comfortable. These fish are yin and yang fish - inspired by koi I saw in Japan. I really wanted to get the ripples to be more striking - I think that's something I'll have to practice.
I don't know why, but when I read the Illo Friday topic, this funny little cartoon popped into my head. I guess I thought of the saying that "opposites attract"!
great watercolor, i think you did the ripples nicely! I also like the cartoon, the short guy and the tall lady!
This is lovely.
the fish are lovely, very serene
i love the top one, really good illu
Beautiful koi, got the yin and yang reference right away. And I think in any good marriage there is a fair amount of "opposites" at work!
Oh-- so sweet!! Your fish are striking, too-- well done!
Nice work!
I LOVE the yin yang Koi! What a wonderful image and so beautifully done. The cartoon looks just like me and my boyfriend (unfortunately). I hadn't really thought about how opposite we are in many ways until I saw your post. Very thought provoking...and funny!
Hi KT, I was just showing Mel your illustrations and was pleased to see you've been at it again. We both loved your "opposite" fish. Moo x x
Hey you ought to do MORE watercolours! Really lovely illo.
Great job! It's just wonderful and so subtle. The ripples are gentle and are exactly how I would imagine they should be! Well done.
Love the fishes piece!! poetic and elegant!
I love it!
The yin yang koi image is very beautiful.
I also like the cartoon.
It's cute!
Your etchings are very nice. I also really like the picture of the woman from Laos holding up the baby.
Very relaxing painting, wonderfully done!
Wow, I adore your koi painting, so beautiful, delicate, simple, elegant, lovely.
i love the fish. you've got a nice style, and the limited palette works well.
great fish - nicely drawn and the soft colors are soothing
the fishes are so well done !!! bravo !
very nicely done.
That's a great watercolor piece. Great colours and the lone work has a really nice quality to it. I also think the ripples turned out nice too. I'd be mucho happy if I were you.
I am a Pisces and I like you fishes. :)
love the flow in your fish picture :)
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